• MetroParks at Home: Native Plants

    May is here and we are in the heart of spring. With Mother’s Day around the corner and the warmth upon us, you may find yourself bringing new flower friends into your yard. But beyond their beauty, plants serve a greater role in their surrounding ecosystems. But not all plants are created equal. So which…

  • Spring into Birding

    Each spring, our forests and fields come alive with the color and sound of migrating birds. Thousands of warblers, waders and waterfowl come to Butler County on their northward journey, joining the year-round avian residents of our area. Some of these new arrivals are just passing through to lands northward. Others will stick around through…

  • A Simple Act

    On April 21st –  27th here at MetroParks and across the country we celebrate National Volunteer Week. Volunteer Week’s a time to reflect on, highlight, and thank our volunteers for their achievements – so much of what we do wouldn’t be possible without their acts of service. That simple word “act” to me is at…

  • Meet MetroParks’ Arborist

    The tree care profession in the arboricultural industry has experienced rapid growth over the past decade, and there is a significant amount of knowledge required to perform tree care at the highest level. Earning an ISA Certified Arborist credential confirms you are an educated, experienced tree care professional committed to properly caring for and maintaining…

  • What are Invasive Species?

    Maybe you’ve heard the term “invasive” attached to a plant or animal species and you’ve thought to yourself, “what makes something invasive?” In short, an invasive species is a living organism that has been brought by humans (on purpose or by accident) to live in an area where it does not naturally occur. Once introduced,…

  • Paving the Trail: Women of MetroParks

    March marks Women’s History Month, a time to honor the meaningful contributions of women throughout history. At MetroParks of Butler County, we’re excited to celebrate the women who have shaped our parks and recreation system, from the early pioneers who advocated for public green spaces to our current employees and volunteers who continue to make…

  • Unveiling Winter’s Wildlife Wonders: Pt. 2

    When you look out onto a frozen landscape in winter, it is easy to think there’s not much going on there. Animals are hibernating, frogs and turtles have dug down into their winter homes beneath a pond, trees are dormant. And that’s all true, but there is also a lot happening behind the scenes that you might…

  • Unveiling Winter’s Wildlife Wonders

    Has the winter weather sent you hibernating in your own home recently? While many creatures similarly hunker down during the colder months, there is still plenty of animal activity outdoors. In fact, winter unveils a unique landscape for wildlife watching with its snow-covered landscapes and barren trees. It’s also a chance for us to witness…

  • What Makes a Park? Meadow Ridge

    The holidays are coming to a close, and a new year is upon us! You may find yourself contemplating an upcoming resolution. While hitting the gym or eating a better diet might be high on your list, at MetroParks, we can’t help but encourage you to get outside more next year. With so many green…

  • VOA’s Electrifying History

    When I first moved to Butler County in the early 1980’s I would drive down I-75 and notice the tall broadcasting towers of the Bethany Relay Station of Voice of America (VOA) Broadcasting, never dreaming I would one day work for MetroParks of Butler County at Voice of America MetroPark. I hope you enjoy a…

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