Park Improvement Projects

Gilmore Ponds MetroPark

Wetlands Boardwalk

The proposed project will upgrade a key link in the Wetlands Trail Loop, replacing the outdated "floating walkway" with a fixed boardwalk. The new boardwalk will provide more stable access through the park while minimizing disturbances to the forested wetlands.             

Project funding sources: 65% State Grants, 35% MetroParks. For more information about how to contribute to MetroParks' Boardwalk Campaign, click here.

Indian Creek MetroPark

Indian Creek Pedestrian Bridge

The Indian Creek Pedestrian Bridge will replace a bridge that washed out decades ago by a flood. The bridge will connect the Oxford-Reily Road area of Indian Creek with the trails on the opposite side of the creek in the Springfield Road area.

Click here to access the Indian Creek MetroPark Vision Plan. 

Estimated project completion date: 2028
Project funding sources: Stander Legacy Funds, grant funding to be identified

Four Mile Creek MetroPark

Davidson Woods Access

MetroParks has acquired the necessary funding to open the Davidson Woods Area of Four Mile Creek MetroPark to the general public. Funding will allow MetroParks to construct an access road, parking lot and an ADA-accessible trail to the elevated overlook of Four Mile Creek. MetroParks has completed public feedback sessions with detailed design to start in late spring 2024. 

Project funding sources: Federal, State and County grant funding

Four Mile Creek at the Davidson Woods Area of Four Mile Creek MetroPark

Great Miami River Trail

Closing the Gaps Between Timberhill and Middletown

MetroParks has received Federal grant and American Rescue Plan Act funds to support the design and construction of three sections of the Great Miami River Trail. New construction will add approximately five miles of paved multi-use trail to MetroParks' existing segments of the Great Miami River Trail. These sections will close the Butler County gaps in this 100-mile-long regional trail stretching from Fairfield to Piqua. Construction is anticipated to begin in late 2025.  

Project funding sources: Federal, State and and MetroParks' local matching funds


Bike trail crossing a creek at Rentschler Forest MetroPark

Meadow Ridge and Sebald MetroParks

Elk Creek Connector Road

The Elk Creek Connector Road will create an internal paved roadway between Meadow Ridge MetroPark and Sebald MetroPark. The mile-long road will provide emergency egress from the Sebald MetroPark during flooding in Elk Creek. The road will also expand access to the northern portion of the Meadow Ridge MetroPark and will better serve hikers, anglers and boaters in the park. 

Construction on the Meadow Ridge MetroPark portion of the Elk Creek Connector Road was completed in the Fall of 2024. 

Project funding sources: State grant funds and MetroParks' local funds


Paved walking path in the meadow of Elk Creek MetroPark