Private Programs

Students sit on floor in cabin while educator dressed in pioneer clothing sits at spinning wheelMetroParks of Butler County offers unique, engaging, educational, and fun private fee-based programs for children and adults of all ages, backgrounds, and interests. These programs are conducted for a variety of audiences including schools, homeschool groups, organizations, birthday parties, scout groups, and more. School programs are prepared to satisfy age/grade-specific Ohio Learning Standards. Scout programs are prepared to fulfill specific badge or activity requirements. 

Start the process by completing the
 Field Trips & Group Programs Interest Form.  

Field Trip Scheduling & Payment Information

Scholarship Opportunities

The Friends of Chrisholm will offer assistance to Butler County public schools for costs associated with field trips to the Chrisholm MetroPark Historic Farmstead. Scholarships cover the cost of programming and transportation/busing for students, teachers, and chaperones. For more information and to apply, click here.

Have questions? Email or call (513) 867-5835.

What Teachers are Saying: 

  • "Best field trip in 30 years of teaching!!" - 3rd grade teacher 
  • "This is my 8th year coming... it remains my (and my class') favorite field trip." - 1st grade teacher